Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Stepping back from my company to become a full-time novelist

Stepping back from my company to become a full-time novelist Stepping Back From My Company To Become a Full-Time Mystery Novelist JD Shiner enjoyed a twenty-eight-year career in the world of wireless data communications and now writes full-time. He is an expert on developing technologies, fiber transmission, firearms, fast cars, and thriller fiction. In this guest post, JD talks about his decision to take a break from the world of telecommunications in order to become a full-time novelist, and shares his advice for other  writers looking to do the same.A goal to write a specific number of words every  dayAlthough I was not able to follow his regimen to the letter, I did take his advice and set myself up on a modified version of it. For instance, Stephen King  states that he likes to write 3,000 words per day. I only wish I could write that many! My goal was 1,000 words per day when I started. Some days I did more, some days less.Self-publishing manuscript #27Never give up. Read a lot. Write a lot. Writing full-time has been extremely challenging. It has also been extremely rewarding. The Caves of Corihor is available on Amazon for Kindle and paperback.Are you a full-time writer? Are you thinking of becoming one? What has the journey of deciding to devote yourself to your craft full-time been like?  Leave your thoughts, experiences, or any questions for JD in the comments below.

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